help with Signature.
to add colours use the following code:
[/.color] (remove the ".") .
To add images you will have to download an app called Imgur and use it to upload the image you want to the internet, once you do copy its URL and paste it in your signature but you will have to writethe following code to make it appear:
Got it? -
[noparse]This makes the text red, for example. You can replace red with any colour you want.[/noparse] =
This makes the text red, for example. You can replace red with any colour you want.
will change to
Make sure it's a link to the image itself (it has to end in .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif etc.) or it won't work. -
A good site to learn the codes
plus you can change your Text Box to an more easiler format in the Profile Settings, mine automatically makes links clickable and images post up onto the post.
If you want me to go more indepth into where you find these settings just ask but I feel like you should be able to find them pretty easily. -
abdoaantr200 wrote: »[size=+8]All Codes Here ..
I don't think you understand how useless your post was but it was pretty damn useless.
Not only did you not even state what codes are able to be used and the commands for them, you straight up made " All Codes Here " really big like you just posted the most helpful post of your life.
Grade E for Effort. -
AlwaysSnipin wrote: »I don't think you understand how useless your post was but it was pretty damn useless.
Not only did you not even state what codes are able to be used and the commands for them, you straight up made " All Codes Here " really big like you just posted the most helpful post of your life.
Grade E for Effort. -
7ossama5oia wrote: »test my sign
Do not bump old threads.
Test your signature here or just press the “preview” button:
This discussion has been closed.
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